Hatred In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Hatred While there are many different emotions, there is one that stands above all others; Hate. In the novella Anthem, this can be seen building up in the main character, Equality. As the story progresses, you can see Equality 7-2521, harbour a growing hatred for his fellow brothers. When Equality goes to show his creation to the world council, they reject his idea and shun him, possibly generating that feeling of rage. After Equality gets his idea rejected, he seems to now show the malice that was pushed away all of his life spent in the Community. The novella Anthem shows us that even though hate is a bad emotion, keeping all of those negative feelings felt towards others locked away can expand them and make them even worse. In a world where the unfavorable emotions are non-existent, …show more content…

On page 72, the dialogue between several characters gets very violent with discussing what Equality’s punishment is. They say, “‘ How dared you, gutter cleaner, ‘ spoke Fraternity 9-3452, ‘to hold yourself as one alone and with the thoughts of the one and not of the many?’ ‘You shall be burned at the stake,’ said Democracy 4-6998. ‘No, they shall be lashed,’ said Unanimity 7-330, ‘till there is nothing left under the lashes.’” This shows that they, indeed, do hold anger deep beneath them, however, they are not supposed to show this side of negativity to their brothers. In this community, the citizens are forced to think of each other as equals; nothing more, or nothing less. Having this rule forces them to always act happy, and with not having anything to complain or to hate, the whole world follows this rule. However, once Equality experienced neglect or harsh behaviour from his fellow brothers to whom he thought would have loved his idea, he starts feeling a new emotion; anger. Hate is within all of us, however, whether or not you choose to express this feeling is your

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