Persuasive Speech: An Angry Cheeto As Our President

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Congratulations America, you’ve elected an angry cheeto as our president. As the election is two days behind us, the apocalypse seems to be coming closer each day. Protests have broken out all over the country, and it is even more unsafe to be a person of color or of a certain religion than it was before. For the last eight years, America has been led by a black man, for the first time literally ever. Obviously it is heartbreaking and upsetting to watch Obama give up his presidency to a man who is endorsed by the KKK, the same KKK who brutally murdered so many innocent people. People are angry because we as a country have progressed so much in the last 8 years with Obama’s help, and to see a man come to power who has promised to take a lot of it away is absolutely unacceptable. With whatever your race, gender, religion, or sexuality, you should be promised equal rights, equal pay, an equal protection. …show more content…

According to the Atlantic, a woman earns 79% of a man’s wages. Companies say they demand “equal work for equal pay”, but if that was truly the case, wouldn’t we have had equal pay a long time ago? But honestly, this gap is not as bad as the earnings of people of other races. According to Time, compared to the White Man’s $21 per hour, Black men get $15, Hispanic men get $14. It is even worse for women of color, with Black women earning $13 per hour, and $12 for Hispanic Women. If Hillary won the election, it would have been our chance to change these inequalities and finally make progress in the seemingly never-ending fight for

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