Persuasive Research Paper

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“Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.” This is a quote said by Coretta Scott King, who is a civil rights activist. When I ponder of this idea, so many things pop into my head. People have a lot of opinions on the idea that freedom needs to be won over and over. Some people contradict that idea and think that when you win freedom, it’s done and we’re free. Other people, such as me, think that freedom is won repetitively. I have many reasons for this idea so here are a few to clarify my opinion. There are new issues that come up frequently. It seems as every week there is a new problem happening in our world. An example of this is slavery. Even when slavery wasn’t allowed, there was segregation. Adding onto that is racism. Even after slaves won freedom, they had to keep fighting for more freedom. It’s a long chain of gaining freedom. Also, when that freedom is won, there will be another conflict. A recent example of this is the freedom to marry someone of the same sex. There are so many more examples of almost the same thing and that’s one of the reasons I believe that freedom is won repetitively. …show more content…

A slender example of this is if your parent gives you a later curfew, she’s giving you more freedom. If you show up past that time, you might get some of that freedom taken away with an earlier curfew or maybe getting grounded. After that happens, you have to earn your freedom back, because you lost it. If you take advantage of a freedom, you might get it taken away, so you’ll have to keep earning it. This is another reason that goes along with my idea that freedom needs to be earned more than

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