A Case For Chastity

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In A Case for Chastity freedom is described as an internal personality. Freedom is living and loving fully without reliance too negative penalties. An example of being free is one gift God gave us. God gave us the gift of our sexuality, and we are free to do what we would like with that gift. We can either use it lovingly or to use it unwisely without fear of the costs of our actions. Having sex before marriage may seem like being free but it is not. Many consequences follow our choices to use our freedom in this way, and those consequences often dominate. However, if we decide on chastity, we can practice the freedom Jesus was referring to, loving and healthy values. In Theology of The Body freedom is defined as the ability to desire and choose the good. It means accommodating the accountabilities of authentic love. Many people think of freedom as the ability to …show more content…

As you can tell, TOB’s idea of freedom is far different than our idea of liberty. While reading Truth and Freedom in Theology of the Body, I came across how to experience real freedom. To understand true freedom, we must remember two significant facts, who we are and how we are called to live. We were made in Gods image and likeness, we are His children. Furthermore, we were made to love. Knowing and accepting this truth can help us appreciate the cause of our freedom. The first way chastity provides freedom is Freedom to Experience Deep, Passionate Sex in Marriage. Practicing chastity helps us to give sex the significance it deserves. I believe that many people want to know what real love is, but we are blinded by what our society shows us. Living and loving fully without enslavement to negative consequences is freedom and love. By living chastely and believing in God’s

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