Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Every day all around the world, animals are being put in cages under no free will. There are so many people that have protested against this horrendous act, but it does not help change what is happening to innocent animals daily. They are deprived of their life they could be having in the wild, where they want to be. They are tortured with whips, hooks, and other objects just to be trained to make the crowd happy: which is completely cruel. Wild animals were made to be free, and free is what they shall be. The world needs to come together and stop this viscous act and here is why. Animals who are in captivity, are isolated from other animals and their ability to interact with their own kind decreases. Their ability to hunt and their natural diet is limited. Animals need to communicate with their other species as well as their own. In zoos they lose their privilege to be free. Living within a community allows animals to communicate normally and create a social order where a dominant animal can emerge. Living in a protected environment can restrict all of these innate or inborn behaviors. …show more content…

When animals are taken out of the wild, the innate instincts they have to survive, are suppressed and in some cases, completely disappeared. If a dog was used to drinking out of a bowl, it would not know how to drink from anything but that. People can not expect animals to know how to change their survival skills overnight. For those in the wild, the hope is that you can relearn how to find food and take care of themselves. Animals who are used to being fed out of containers that are released back into the wild, may starve because they do not know how to find food. The possibilities are endless with releases. It is a much better route if everyone stuck together and put a stop to any animal

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