Persuasive Essay On The Benefits Of Vaccinating Children

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Every year there are millions of children, teens, and adults who receive vaccinations. Vaccines date back in history as early as 1000 A.D. The Chinese experimented with vaccinations such as cowpox, similar to smallpox, which were eventually eliminated. There are a variety of different ingredients in vaccines. A large number of the public do not want to vaccinate themselves or their children because they are not aware of what is all in the vaccine they are receiving. Parents fear getting vaccinated will make them or their children sick, and it could leave them or their children with permanent disorders. Vaccines are put through various tests and experiments to assure they are safe before being administered to the public. There are some studies that show autism could be linked to vaccines. Multiple vaccines require more than one dose, and some vaccines require one to receive a booster as children are aging. There are some shots which have adverse side effects that come with …show more content…

Children are part of the public. Therefore, children in California are required to receive vaccinations. The government has basically taken away their freedom of choice and could take away more of their freedoms. There are some exemptions when it comes to getting vaccinated. Personal and religious beliefs are exemptions one could use to not receive a vaccination, or they would need to see their doctor for a medical exemption. Throughout the years, millions of people have received the flu vaccine. Some individuals think there is no need to get vaccinated because of the body’s natural immunity. There is a universal flu vaccine scientists have been discussing that has not been created yet, although, it is a possibility for the future. Getting vaccinated could prevent illnesses and diseases, however, children, teens, and adults should not be mandated to receive all vaccinations because of the risks and side

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