Persuasive Essay On Self Driving Cars

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We are already incredibly innovated when it comes to vehicular technology. We already have things like cruise control, which allows tou remain at a constant speed without having to have your foot on the gas the whole time. Car manufacturers have also come up with othe useful tools like, automatic braking, lane control, and rearview cameras. With all these features that are being added to cars it's no wonder that cmpanies like Google, Uber, China's Baidu, and Apple are working to create a self-driving car, but would that be the best idea?
Support 1:
Although there are no self-driving cars on the road today, companies are working diligilently to get them up and running sometime soon. Self driving cars use radar and a thing called lidar, this is a rotating laser mounted on top of the car that continually scans the environment around the car. Various cameras, accelerometers, gyroscopes and GPS which are all used to build a 3D picture around the vehicle. The most complex part is the software, which collects the data, analyses it and drives the vehicle, so its basically a big computer. With that the "biggest concers," as stated in the video How Do Driverless Cars Work , "Virus, malfuction, and hacks." …show more content…

"Unlike a human who reacts instinctively in an emergency, an autonomous car will have to calculate and choose the appropriate response to each scenerio." "Self Driving Cars, by Samuel Gibbs" Basically this shows that cars response times in emergency are going to be alot slower than human reaction time, which could potentially risk the lives of the passengers or

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