Self Driving Car Research Paper

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The twenty-first century is at the peak of technological advancement. There is only so long technology can keep at an exponential growth, ultimately is will flatten at some point. The world is not there yet and will not be for some time. With technology still on a steep slope, autonomy is at the forefront of innovation. Cars were invented in the 1900s, which let people use a machine to get them from point a to point b. That was not enough and companies, like Tesla, created a self-driving car. A self-driving car is a car that can get a passenger from a location with almost no input from the driver. When the first major self-driving car was announced by Google, the community was a little hesitant. From here on, companies have proven that these …show more content…

As of now, self-driving cars still need passengers to be in them to drive. Google came out with one of the first big mainstream cars some years ago. From then they have been exploding rapidly in popularity. Companies like Tesla, a luxury car brand, comes out with only self-driving cars. The technology is becoming more common, easier to test, and cheaper. The technology is evolving more and more each year. These cars use sensors, and cameras to detect other vehicles. Stephen Meyer, a scientist and author, wrote a book called Electronic America. In one of his chapters of his book titled High Tech Automobiles, he covers vehicle safety as well as how self-driving cars generally work. “By analyzing its proximity in relation to three of the satellites in the network, GPS can pinpoint its location on the earth's surface. Most systems that use GPS then combine this information with an up-to-date map of the local roads to display the vehicle's position on a street map” (Meyer, 160). In other words, it is a collection of multiple technological equipment running together to drive on the road. However this technology is not fully autonomous, it still involves some human input. These cars seem like they only provides benefits due to the marketing. There is no doubt that machine driving is in many cases safer than human drivers who get distracted. In fact, machines do not …show more content…

Actually it is the biggest concern while driving. Car crashes are common and can be deadly. Self-driving cars are supposed to be safer because they are without human error. However technology can also have flaws. No technology is perfect or without problems that come why no matter how small. The safety issue with self-driving cars come in a couple of forms. The first thing that comes up is cyber security. The car runs through a programming. A program comes down to all ones and zeros, no matter how complicated. And as we all know, program can get hacked. Although these companies put millions of dollars in protecting these cars, there is still a potential threat. There is a huge consequence in cyber security. Someone could can hack an autonomous car and drive it off the road. The software could get into the wrong hands and could be used for malicious intent. To reiterate myself and author and scientist named, Timothy Lee, wrote an article called, Trump’s self-driving car strategy: Don’t regulate self-driving cars. In this he writes on the topic of self-driving

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