Persuasive Essay On School Lunch Menus

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School cafeterias are one other place for unhealthy foods. Most Schools have fast foods sponsoring them. Some school lunches are not that good or cooked right. Some school lunches are not that healthy either or not that good for the digestive system. Cafeterias should have better selections on the menus. The government has supported the school lunched and have it be in portions that the plate will be healthy. On most school lunches even breakfast have some healthy food choices but not that much. So, the government will say the cafeterias having the same menus. School lunches should have the menu have healthier options.
On school lunch menus, they do not have the calorie count right by it or tells them what we are eating. The foods are not that
On the menus they should have the calories on the menus with the food names on it. The lunch people also should know the calories of all foods. The kids should also how much calories they should eat or ask their parents for how much there supposed to eat. The cafeteria should get the calorie count plate and have them type in on what foods they have on the plate and it will tell you the calories they are eating. As the principle is counting the calories on all the foods. The lunch people should get the food ready and have it set on the counter for everyone. Everyone that is getting their lunches should also know the calories on it and ask if it is good for them.
The school must have all those things in the essay and should keep track of what they are feeding the kids. The principle is somewhat responsible for what they are feeding the kids. The lunch people is also responsible for what they are handing out the food. The scoops they give the children are too much. On the other hand the parents of the kids is also there faults a little. The parents should be watching their kids what they eat. The kids should know what to eat and what not to eat and know what is healthy. In conclusion the kids are at fault and schools also because the school lets what the kids

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