Persuasive Essay On Raising Children

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Licenses are mandatory for the use of guns, cars and operating heavy machinery, yet there is no license involving parenting, when children are perhaps the biggest responsibility. People who are physically, mentally or financially unfit to raise children can still do so because they don’t require a license. Every child deserves to have a decent upbringing in a suitable environment therefore, licensing those who wish to raise children should be compulsory. Parenting licenses would control some of the population. According to Statistics New Zealand, “NZ’s population is expected to reach 5 million in 2020.” A population increase results in a greater pressure on resources. Energy sources from wood and oil would become scarcer, CO2 levels would increase contributing to global warming, threatening people with dislocation. There would be less farmland and forestry due to the need for houses and land. Parental licensing may cause people to feel more responsibility, they could make better …show more content…

You can stop driving a car or using a gun but you cannot quite raising a child. Donor and surrogate parents must provide medical history, while adoptive parents must prove the child will be looked after. However, there is no test for biological parents and there isn’t much difference between them, either way the parent/caregiver is responsible for the child. Bad parenting like the absence of car licenses or gun licenses can be extremely harmful considering the innocence and vulnerability of a child. Parental behaviour can be influential, studies have shown “neglected children are 25% more likely to experience problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use and mental health problems.” We don’t want these kids to be the future. Parental licensing would minimise the chances of these types of kids growing up to be the future, by preventing irresponsible parents from raising

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