Persuasive Essay On Pilates

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Whoever told you that since you’re a senior now, you should take it easy, you shouldn’t. in fact, with age comes body deterioration, and you must do your best to exercise to keep your body strong. Good thing a non-medical home care in Ventura Blvd. Encino CA is here to help you try out these two awesome exercises:

1. Pilates
Pilates is a new kind of exercise that emphasizes proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth movements until you become acutely in tune with your body. It also increases levels, stamina, balance, flexibility, strength, which often diminished during the adult years. Because of the overall benefits, Pilates is also considered to increase mental health and well-being.
According to renowned Pilates instructor Ellie Herman, “Pilates is perfect for older adults because it does not have the impact on the body that other forms of exercise do. It is a gentle way of exercise.” Since Pilates is focus on the midrange of the body like the arms and legs; instead of the extremities, it decreases the potential of injury. …show more content…

However, Pilates can be challenging. You however don’t have to worry, expert trainers in a non-medical home care in Ventura, Blvd. Encino CA will help you Pilates your way to help.

2. Yoga
Yoga is a total mind-body workout that is a combination of strengthening and stretching exercises, as well as mediation and relaxation. Yoga involves different forms, with varying paces and intensity. You can gain quite a few number of benefits from yoga. Yoga can help you sleep better, since it improves the quantity and quality of sleep. It also helps you in your:
• Arthritis
• Diabetes

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