Persuasive Essay On Weight Training

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We all find ourselves in situations where we stop growing. Regardless of our training status (beginner or advanced) we all come to a grinding halt at some point in time and for whatever reason, we can't seem to get our bodies back on track. It's frustrating because no matter how hard we train or how much we eat, our bodies refuse to grow. What's the problem?

I've got some news for you; the problem may not be you but rather your weight training routine. That's right; your precious routine that once performed magic on your muscles may now be sabotaging your efforts and keeping you from reaching that next level of muscular development. Here are 5 tell-tale signs that you're routine has stopped working and is now sabotaging your development (break …show more content…

We want to feel strong, confident and energized. It's one of the perks about getting into shape. However, building muscle is hard work. It takes a lot of time, effort and patience but remember a good routine will rejuvenate the body. Sure, you're going to feel a little tired and sore after a workout but that should only last a few hours. If you find yourself constantly sore, tired and exhausted (for any longer than 2 or 3 weeks) you may have bitten off a little more than you can chew.

Let me give you a personal example. Back in the day, I used to try and do all the top pro's training routines. I remember following the Arnold routine that had me performing 20 to 25 sets per body part and going to the gym 6 days a week. It was crazy because I was this skinny 17 year old kid trying to use a training routine that was meant for a seasoned, steroid enhanced bodybuilder. The routine tore me down physically and mentally. I was in a constant state of exhaustion and I actually lost strength and muscle mass. Only after I drastically changed my training routine did I start to grow again. I started to enjoy training again and once that happened, I started to get

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