Persuasive Essay On Minecraft

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Bryan olen Have you ever been bored and wanted something to do? Well, Minecraft can help you get out of your boredom! Minecraft is a way better game than terraria because of its 3D graphics, its great storyline, and because of its multiplayer option. These games are a load of fun, but only one can be the best. And that game is minecraft. When you look at this game of blocks and mobs, you think about its textures and graphics. In terraria, it is a small, 2D easy game. Minecraft actually adds some 3D adventure to the game. Whether it is the diamond ore you’re about to mine, or the creeper sneaking up behind you, the 3D graphics are great for today's modern gamers. And the best looking graphics have to be the dripping water, dripping lava and the ender dragon’s breath. The Many people may say that terraria has a good story line, but for a 20 dollar game, it is kind of small and not very diverse. Some people may even say that terraria has a better multiplayer feature, but you need other friends to do that. What about the people who have no friends, but wants to meet other people? People also think terraria is better since it costs less, but it only costs less since it is such a small game. And people think terraria is so cool because of its lame creative mode, when minecraft has features in creative mode that you can’t get in survival, like bedrock, or command blocks. Minecraft is a much better game than terraria, because of its graphics, its storyline, and its multiplayer feature. It is these features that make minecraft better, and more diverse than terraria in many ways. This once small game now has a community of over 100 million people, each building more unique, more diverse, and builds that go up to the heavens and will stand for years to come. Now make the choice. What will you

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