Persuasive Essay On Mental Health

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In 2008, there were more than 1,977,000 deaths that were caused by preventable risk factors. The top 3 causes of death in the United States are diseases of the heart, malignant neoplasms (cancer), and chronic lower respiratory diseases. All these diseases are preventable. People need to start paying more attention to what they’re eating, exercising more, giving up unhealthy behaviors and taking care of our mental health. One of the most effective ways to promote people living healthier lifestyles is to start when children are young. One in every three children (31.7%) ages 2-19 is overweight or obese (3). One study found that obese 6-8 year-olds were approximately ten times more likely to become obese adults than those with lower BMIs (4). This is a very large increase in obese children from 20 years ago. States could require schools to serve healthier and more affordable meals than they currently are. They could have meals that all had the recommended amounts of grains, fruits, vegetables and protein for children. They could also ensure that it would be cheap for students to eat wh...

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