Persuasive Essay On Hillary Clinton

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The President. The first person we think of when we hear “The most powerful person in the United States”. But you will be surprised to hear that the president may not have as much power as you think. This is because the president’s power is limited. Though this does not mean they do not have a lot of abilities. The P.O.T.U.S, or the President Of The United States has both formal and informal powers. Some forman powers, or powers listed in the Constitution, are that they are Commander in Chief, Chief Diplomat, can appoint judges to the supreme court, make treaties, and many more. These powers have to come with a lot of responsibility. That is exactly why I am voting for Hillary Clinton. One reason is because she is responsible and will use the many powers of the P.O.T.U.S wisely. Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. She is married to former president Bill Clinton and has one daughter named Chelsea. Throughout Mrs. Clinton’s life, she has been Secretary of State, the First Lady of the United States, and Senator of New York. On November 8, I will be casting my vote for Mrs. Hillary Clinton.
One reason I am voting for Hillary Clinton is because we both agree on gun control. Clinton believes we should ban assault weapons, have more strict background checks on people buying firearms, and try to stop illegal gun …show more content…

Mrs. Clinton supports women’s equal rights, equality for LGBTQ, and to legalize gay/lesbian marriage. Hillary said during International Human Rights Day in 2011, "“Being LGBT does not make you less human. And that is why gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights”. 2My beliefs are the same as Clinton, equality and equal rights for everyone. This topic is important to me because I want my sisters and Mom to have the same rights as me and feel equal in this world. Lastly, Hillary Clinton ideas and stand in equal rights leads me to vote for

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