Persuasive Essay On Global Warming

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Global warming is an issue that the world is facing and has to be faced and taken care off immediately. Global warming is when there's too much carbon dioxide in the air. This then traps heat and warms the planet. Carbon increases in the atmosphere as fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are being burnt or used for energy. Burning forests also increases carbon in the air. Because of global warming, chances for ecosystem to naturally adapt are decreasing and becoming less. Global warming today is happening very rapidly. The largest source of the trapping of heat pollution is the burning of fossil fuels to make electricity in the United States. Every year, it produces about two billion tons of carbon dioxide. The second-largest source of the pollution of carbon is the transportation sector. In a year, it generates about 1.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide. New energy-efficient technology were created and produced to help the decrease of global warming. New ways of modernising power plants, generating cleaner electricity, and burning gasoline while we drive are being developed. The amount of carbon that is being kept in the atmosphere can determine the …show more content…

The global temperature is increasing at a fast rate over the years and researchers mentioned that this trend is accelerating. Some say that the rising in global temperature is decreasing and slowing down, but this has been proven false. The rising in temperature are causing hotter heat waves, more droughts, heavier rainfall, and more stronger hurricanes. Ocean temperatures are getting warmer which can lead to tropical storms picking up more energy. Because of global warming, high level of heat waves have caused about tons of thousands of deaths recently in the past few years. Ice in Antarctica, about 134 billion metric tons, are melting which can lead to the rise of sea levels in the

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