Persuasive Essay On Electromagnetic Radiation

665 Words2 Pages

Cell phones, Wi-fi, wireless modems, and other wireless products have become a potential health hazard. While their health effects are largely untested, there have been numerous studies of the effects of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from these devices. All scientists agree that this radiation is dangerous at high levels and new studies are beginning to suggest that they may pose health risk at lower levels as well.("Wi-Fi Health Dangers & Radiation Health Effects") U.S. Citizens enjoy the many conveniences associated with wireless devices, yet we deserve adequate protections to safeguard our long-term health. The modern world that we live in guarantees that we will come into contact with electromagnetic radiation everyday. Because of this, I propose that the U.S. Government put stricter limits on permissible SAR (specific absorption rate) levels. I also propose that they require public locations (i.e. schools, libraries, government buildings, etc.) do away with wireless computer networks and replace them with wired ones like has been done in other countries. Taking these basic precautions will better safeguard us until more conclusive long-term research is able to pin down the specific dangers of low level electromagnetic radiation to the human body.
The radiation exposure from wireless products is a chronic exposure, constantly at a low level rather than short bursts of high power. There is evidence that this type of exposure might be more damaging in the long-term. (BIELSKI 435-437) It is thought that when the body first experiences a new source of radiation, it reacts by strengthening its immune defences, but then the immune system begins to weaken progressively as the radiation exposure continues. Specifically ...

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...ecade now. My cell phone is on me at all times and even when sleeping my cell phone is close by and my wireless modem is pumping out radiation to my entire house. Even if I am not using wireless technology at a given moment, I are most likely still being exposed to it by the large amount of cell phones and wifi networks in my neighborhood and public areas. Each of us may have already incurred irrevocable health consequences related to this exposure, yet we can do something about it now. Contacting our local, state, and federal government officials with these basic requests is a desperately needed beginning. Taking the simple steps of limiting SAR exposure from our cell phones and greatly reducing wifi computer networks will be powerful first steps to safeguarding our health. The cost and work involved to make these changes are minimal, so why not make them now?

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