Persuasive Essay On Drones

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If I told you that there was a device that could easily carry bombs, take pictures of people, places, and government bases, and clog our nation's airways, would you want anyone to be able to get one? No. Therefore, drones should be regulated by the government. As crazy as it seems, the issue of drones(unmanned aerial vehicles/UAVs) is currently being debated. There are many dangers of drone use, and some ways that these dangers can be negated. Firstly, they clog the nations airways. “Each month, the Federal Aviation Administration gets more than 100 reports of near-misses between jets and drones.” 100 per month, so about 1200 per year! According to my calculations, that is 156711 people put in danger(though it is probably a bit more). How …show more content…

Spying on people like this does happen, especially to sunbathing women and girls. The reason I feel that this is an important problem is because this could happen to anyone. It is also more likely to happen than the other main problems. All you need is one sicko, and Boom! You might have someone with your embarrassing photo on their camera. Weather its you, your daughter, or your wife, someone you care about could be caught on a drone camera sunbathing, or doing something similar. This is a huge violation to privacy. One example is when “One Kentucky father is reported to have spotted a drone hovering over his daughters in their backyard…” He then shot the drone down, but the actual person wasn’t punished. Who could find him, when so many people have drones? A bigger problem would be if someone went the extra mile and contacted the sunbathers, or young girls, and threatened to post the pictures on social media if they didn’t do something. A violation of privacy could easily evolve into blackmail. We can’t have anyone be able to get a drone, because the odd creep can use it for severe

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