Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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Every day twenty-eight people die from alcohol-related driving incidents, eight deaths are caused by distracted driving, and 1,161 people are injured by distracted driving (“CDC Motor Vehicle Safety: Impaired Driving”). According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2015 2,333 teens were killed in motor vehicle accidents. Assuming this number is correct, about six people ages sixteen-ninteen were killed daily in vehicle crashes (CDC Motor Vehicle Safety: Teen Drivers). Ecovía, an innovative bus rapid transit company, is working to reduce these numbers. The company began operations in Mexico at the beginning of 2014 as an alternative to individual cars. As part of their name suggests, the buses are eco-friendly, energy efficient, cheap and fast. Ecovía released a series of ads in a campaign designed to bring attention to the main factors that cause motor vehicle accidents including speeding, impaired driving, distracted driving, and reckless driving. Through simple but powerful visuals and scare tactics, this ad builds a caring reputation for Ecovía and effectively communicates a warning about the dangers of destructive driving to drivers of all ages.
Set against a plain …show more content…

This campaign relies heavily on the idea that the viewers will already have vague knowledge of some statics surrounding these common driving issues. The purpose of the ad is to grab attention and remind with simple and powerful images and words. There are no facts, numbers, or data given in the ads, because the desired effect can be adequately communicated with basic visuals. Although the image at first appears to be simple, the addition of painted vehicles on the subject’s hands and faces clarifies the idea that Ecovía is trying to sell. The paintings also hold the attention of the viewers long enough so that they can completely grasp the intent of the

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