Analysis Of Bold New Camry

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Be Bold with Toyota
What sounds delicious for lunch today? How about tacos? One bold decision leads to another in this ad in Better Homes and Gardens for the all new Toyota Camry. The Toyota Camry is the top mid-size sedan sold in America, so things can be boring when overly popular. The automobile industry is a very competitive market. The ad appeals to the reputation, reliability, dependability and durability of the Camry; with a new twist. A younger consumer wants those things, but needs to be reminded of the sportier, more fun, side. The campaign objectives are drawing in new clientele, increasing awareness of redesign, and increasing perception of the Camry image and styling. These new ads are entertaining, yet informative, many prospective new buyers that normally would not give Toyota a second thought. The young man sitting next to his car draws in people around his age, and the story told in the photo will urge readers to find out what exactly is going on …show more content…

Although the Toyota Camry has long been a bestselling vehicle amongst an older, more conservative crowd due to marketing; the Bold New Camry advertisement promises consumers buying this sporty new car will lead to a road

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