Persuasive Essay On Civil Service

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If you were informed that once you graduate high school you’d be required to take a year of your time and dedicate it to a civil service what would your reaction be? People everywhere are debating whether or not young adults newly out of high school should be required to take part in a year of civil services before entering college or the workforce. These civil services range from serving in the military to helping out at a soup kitchen. The possibilities are endless but is it really the right thing for our country to do to these young adults just entering the world? Requiring young adults to participate in a one year civil service will teach them important life lessons and help our country grow stronger as a whole. Taking part in a service …show more content…

When the draft occurred from 1969-1973 barriers of race, religion, and culture weren’t as common as they were beforehand. In the army you work with anyone and everyone from all over the country. There are people with all different kinds of beliefs that you are meeting and working with. You learn alot about another culture from other people you meet. When you help build houses for the homeless or serve at a soup kitchen you are constantly meeting new people. The more people you meet the less you think about how different you are from them and more how you relate to them. Things like race, religion, and culture don't matter nearly as much as they did. Some young adults aren’t yet emotionally developed enough to participate in a civil or military service. However participating can strengthen and develop your emotions and actions and allow you to grow as an individual as you emerge into the real world. As you learn a new skill and grow with the people around you, you’ll learn new skills as an individual that will ultimately strengthen you. Participating when you are not yet emotionally developed will help you develop rather than waiting until your ready. The real world doesn't wait for you to mature you have to take things into your own hands and prepare yourself for the future. When participating in a year of civil or military

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