Persuasive Essay On Bottled Water

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How water is viewed has seen a massive change over the past several centuries via tap water or bottled water but many claim bottled water is a blessing. Beginning with the idea of bottled water, bottled water was originally created by Jackson’s Spa, Boston in 1767 and was no more than a simple leather flask shipped to one’s home. Little did Jackson know he would create one of the largest productions in the world. Bottled waters high production rate allows for a demand in laboring jobs this is extremely helpful to the economy, additionally bottled waters mass availability makes it easier to spread business ads and to raise awareness. Finally because of bottled waters mass availability, it is readily available to the public during tragic events such as natural disaster In recent years bottled water has became more industrialized allowing for mass production of bottled water. …show more content…

Bottled water being so widely available means you will almost always see it in one’s average day no matter where you are. With the availability of water many companies are drawn to the manufacturers to spread the word of their products. Buying the bottled water is beneficial to both the Ad company and the bottled water industry as well as supporting economic growth by both parties supporting each other. However, not all ads are from multi-billion dollar companies. Many Fund raisers use bottled water to spread the word of their cause. For instance the wounded warrior program on Winn-dixie brand bottles supports the veterans in our country, and back to school sales on aquafina bottles help children who cannot get school supplies. Both the fundraiser and the bottled water industry benefit. The fundraiser benefits by gaining support. The water company benefits because people buy the water thus supporting the industry. (Azure Water. "Why Promotional Bottled Water Is Powerful Advertising

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