Persuasive Essay About Mcdonalds

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When you are very hungry you would most likely go to McDonalds because their food is cheap but there are some things that should be told about McDonalds. McDonalds has some of the most unhealthy food on the planet but they also have some good things about them. One person said they were very happy that McDonalds was selling cheap food because they could not afford other food. Another person was surprised that McDonalds was still in business because McDonalds only serves frozen food that is heated which is very unhealthy when you add a soda and a side of fries.
McDonalds has very good entertainment that helps them draw in customers but some of the entertainment does not help hide the fact that they serve unhealthy food. One thing they use for entertainment is their popular mascot Ronald McDonald that helps …show more content…

At McDonalds they have a menu called the dollar menu which can help with getting a reasonable amount of food to call it a meal when you are very hungry. Some people need this menu more than other people because they don’t have much money but if you have the money to go somewhere else you should. When you are needing something to eat when you don’t have much money they are reliable with the costs of their food.
Sometimes when people watch a McDonalds ad on their TV they will believe that McDonalds is telling the truth about their food being healthy but if you eat a meal their sometimes you will feel sick to your stomach because of what you just ate. When McDonalds has an ad about a new item at their restaurant they will make the food look perfect. All McDonalds does to make it look perfect is put stuff on the food item and use other non edible items to make their food larger and cleaner. The only thing McDonalds is truthful about is that they are telling the truth when they say they added a new item to the

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