Persuasive Essay On Mcdonald's

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McDonalds Sucks Did you know that 1 in every 4 Americans eat at McDonald's every day? About every American has either eaten or heard of 1 of the 31,000 restaurants that are franchise all around. For many years, Americans have enjoyed their variety of food items. Did you ever think about what you’re really eating and how unhealthy the food really is? I propose that customers who intake McDonald's should no longer do so considering the fact that it can make you obese, their portions are way too big, and there are better alternatives to eating out. Americans all over shouldn't choose McDonald's as an eating resort. It can lead to serious weight problems and make you obese. I hope when ordering, you are aware that is it no good for you. Studies show that Americans who chose to eat McDonald's more often than others are more likely to gain 10 pounds more. That leads to develop an insulin disorder linked to diabetes. I don't think it could be any clearer that it is quite obvious by the amount of calories one intake when …show more content…

The food that they serve is not authentic because of all of the extra additives to give it the right "taste". I believe that there is definitely a difference between real food and fake food. Real food is enjoyable and melts in your mouth, while fake food doesn’t even taste relevantly close to real food and the texture is similar to the taste of plastic food you buy for your kids at Toys R' Us. People deserve much better than fake food and that is the kind of stuff that you are consuming when you eat McDonalds. A sausage burrito, containing 50 different ingredients, doesn't sound very tempting. It contains milk, egg, wheat, corn syrup, and chemicals and preservatives. Not only that but the hash browns are cooked with animal products, yes I said animal products, and the bacon contains wheat and soy. I'm sure you won't be stopping their on your way back from a long day trip or airport after an 8 hour

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