Mcdonald's Rhetorical Analysis

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No More McDonald’s
Bryanna Watts

McDonald’s is the most unhealthy place to eat! In my opinion no one should ever eat from there, this is because its not real food and extremely unhealthy.

First of all, it's not real food! A study was done but a group of scientists, they took a burger and fries from McDonald’s and took a picture of it at day 1 and day 180. At that time little to no change happened to the food. While that was going on they took a burger and fries from Wendy’s and Burger King and did the same process. But differently the food became to mold and produce an unpleasant smell! As you can tell McDonald’s food is not fresh which leads me to tell you they add preservatives to make their food last a long time! In addition, it is extremely unhealthy! Based on the evidence of the movie, “Supersize Me,” a guy ate nothing but McDonald’s for a month straight, and gained 25 pounds.There are high amount of grams of fat, sodium, and sugar which lead up to excessive weight gain. They add all of this to make their food better tasting, more addicting to make customers come back. Did you know McDonald’s is very unsanitary and get violations often? There has been cases of food being dropped on the floor, employees spitting in the food, and handling food without washing their hands or wearing gloves! Disgusting if you ask! …show more content…

But that is untrue in many ways. For example, they may say they have salads, but they don't know McDonald's puts sugar in the salads, and don't even get me started on the dressings!! There is high amounts of sugar in the dressing as long as sodium! An of course they are going to mention apple slices. But, they coat those delicious crispy slices with preservatives to keep them that way in there plastic bag, and the fact that McDonald's had the nerve to serve carmel on the side with the

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