Persuasive Essay About Coming Out

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What exactly is in this “closet” everyone keeps talking about? Coming out comes from the concept on coming out of the closet. It is when someone admits to their true identity. For LGBT individuals coming out is a difficult process. Coming out to parents is always a interesting experience. Parents are frequently the most important people to come out to because often their reaction carries the most weight. There are many advantages to coming out to your parents. Hiding your true identity can lead to serious emotional pain, which contributes to the higher suicide rates in the LGBT community. It can be very stress constantly lying to yourself and others about who you are, so coming out can be a huge relief. Parents are supposed to love you no matter what and always look out for your best interest. Telling your parents the truth could lead to a more meaningful relationship with your parents based off your true self. There are obviously also disadvantages and possible ramifications to coming out, which is why so many LGBT individuals stay closeted. There is a risk of non-acceptance that could lead to isolation and depression. Often LGBT individuals know their parents are homophobic, but they …show more content…

The GLBTQ2A Resource Center at Colorado State University, suggests that there are six stages parents go through when they find out their child is gay: shock, denial, guilt, expression of feelings, personal decision-making, and true acceptance. These stages obviously depend on the opinions of the parents and the circumstances. I think that it is important for LGBT individuals coming out to know what to expect. Young Adult Health discusses the stages of coming out as who you tell. First, an individual has to come out to himself or herself and overcome their personal internalized homophobia. They can then come out to their family and friends, and then the world. I think the most important part is feeling ready and being prepared for their

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