What Is Personality Type Essay

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Personality Types: An Overview. Up until Last Tuesday, I did not know what a personality type was, and thought that the Myers-Briggs test only covered IQ. Fortunately for me, Last Tuesday, September 25th, happened. From there, I learned of 16 personality types, consisting of various combinations of letters forming a group. There are two options per “slot”, limiting the amount of combinations in terms of mathematics. But, that’s a good thing, or else the world would be a chaotic place with there being twice as much, or even more personality types. A typical combination of letters would be something like my combination, “ENFJ”, or “Extroverted Intuitive Who Feels with Judgement”. Yes, they are acronyms, sort of. How the Acronym forms depends …show more content…

An extrovert may want to go out more often, much to the introvert’s dismay. Flipping the coin, the extrovert will be annoyed at the introvert’s lack of activity in the social world. Another example would be those who perceive and those who justify working together to accomplish a goal, instead of justifiers being annoyed at the perceivers for wanting to move on to project after project without accomplishing anything. Some listings are not as simple as those two, as now we get into pairs of letters. Let’s start with my pairing, “NF”. NF loves to inspire people to work, and would be ideal motivators. It helps them to help others, in other words. There are even more complex synergies or aversions, such as 16 Personalities’ archetypes going against or for each other and 16 Types’ personality types. In the real world, the lines are blurred, and that is where the percentages come into play, for example, if the world was either too borderline or too extreme all the time, nothing would get done. There should be a balance between each temperament for society to work, as it is a collaboration of each fostered personality type percentage. Otherwise it just would not work. Among the people in my life who have taken the test to find out these results, my respite provider, Carol, was one of them, followed by my mother, …show more content…

Her results were different compared to mine, as she got ESFP (The Entertainer) on 16 Personalities and on Human Metrics’ 16 Types. In comparison, we are both extroverts who love to rile up others. But the difference is she seeks the party, while I inspire others to seek or create the party, whichever suits both mine and their interests. While she has a more colorful way of storytelling, I tend to organize my thoughts to what I feel is a rational order. Simply put, she values fun over all else, followed by my pursuit of inspiration more than anything else. Up next is my mother, Cheryl. She got a ISFJ, or the Defender Archetype on 16 Personalities. Conversely, she got INFJ (The Advocate on 16 Personalities) on Human Metrics with a 6 percent difference in the second letter between N and S. There are huge contrasts between being an introvert, which she is, and being an extrovert, which I am. She also focuses on working rather than inspiring, which is an important cooperation in the relationship between I and my mother. She tends slightly to get results then or now, depending on the test and context, rather than seeing what the future holds, like I do. Mom and I, in contrast with contractions, share trust over emotion rather than thinking, and see in detail rather than the big picture. Those are just two examples of personality test takers, there could be more that I haven’t seen, heard from,

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