Personal Statement: Making Change In The World

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Ever since I was young, I knew that I wanted to make change in the world. When I was younger, I didn't how I was going to do this. As I got through my sophomore year of high school, I realized that I was good at math and had lots of interest in science but got bored in social studies classes. I took physics and pre-calculus. I excelled greatly in these areas. I loved the rigor that they entailed but also I found them to be very interesting. After a few jobs shadows and lots of research I knew that being an engineer was the best way that I could make change in the world. During my junior year I took a computer aided drafting class and worked with robots. After doing that, I have never thought about being anything but an engineer, I have always wanted to make change in the world, and as an engineer I will be given that opportunity. Ever since that class, I have been working with robots and CAD systems. I like playing with robots and making them do different things. This is something I am looking forward to doing on a greater scale as an engineer. Throughout my senior year, I have taken Advanced Placement computer science and calculus (along with many other AP classes). I like being pushed as a student because as an engineer I will be pushed with many difficult problems and knowing how to deal with that is something I will need to know how to do.

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