Personal Reflective Essay: My Personal Beliefs

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Though our beliefs differ, we will always be sisters.
My entire life my sister and I have had different beliefs in regards to religion. Growing up, we were raised as Catholics. Now, she follows the faith of Christianity, while I consider myself an atheist. Throughout the years, we have had major discussions on the topic of religion.
When my sister once asked me why I never went to church with her, it only led to an intense conversation. A heated discussion erupted when we talked about the existence of a higher power. She persisted on the assurance that one existed, while my mind reflected otherwise. Being as stubborn as we are, we were not going to change our minds. However, she gave me reasons as to why she believed that a god existed. For example, one time she needed money to travel out of town on a trip, and the following day at work she received a $100 tip. Another time, she said that once while driving home from work, a horrible storm blew in and she could only see inches in front of her car. Once she pulled over and the storm passed, the realization that a few feet ahead lay a …show more content…

Furthermore, I also explained that it was troublesome for me to believe in something that wasn’t physical. Physical proof was vital for me to understand something completely. Consequently, being able to see, hear, feel or calculate something is essential for me to believe it is true. I told her I that I always focus on finding absolute answers to everything I come in contact with. By the end of our conversation, she realized that her amount of hope amazed me the most. I marveled at her optimism and how she readily waited for something positive to happen out of everything. She always stayed alert for whatever was going to come her way. The belief that God provided aid to promote her success,

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