Personal Narrative: Working With Special Needs Children

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Working with Special Needs Children During second grade, my brother absolutely hated school. We would arrive at school every morning, and as I exited the car to go to my classes, he refused to move. Almost every day, he had to be carried out of the car kicking and screaming and dragged to class. His grades were slowly slipping and he wouldn’t talk to anyone about his meltdowns. The whole family became worried. Eventually, my parents took him to get tested, and the doctors diagnosed him with ADHD. Throughout that whole ordeal, I was just on the sidelines. It made me feel so powerless that I was unable to help my brother when he needed it most. I was unable to help my brother, but I decided I was going to help other children with special needs. …show more content…

Then I realized she was trying to fist bump me. You know how in the movies, whenever you fist bump someone, both of the people pull their hands back and make an explosion sound and hand movement. That's what we did. Whenever she did a good job stretching, I would fist bump her, and she would smile really happily at me. Because Tuesday is music day, our next task was to dance. We played freeze dance, and she modeled her dance moves after mine. Kristine really liked to dance, and we had tons of fun. Then we did the Cha Cha slide, and she really enjoyed the clapping parts. After that, a girl named Anne performed a routine to a Justin Beiber song. Kristine and I had no idea what was happening, and tried, but failed to follow along. We fist bumped at the end though, because we both tried our best. We then sang and danced along to Uptown Funk, before having a quick water break, and grabbing a few chairs to join circle …show more content…

He played one of my favorite songs, Time of your Life by Green Day. I’ve listened to that song, since I was a kid, and I knew all of the words. I sang along to that song during circle time and Kristine kept looking at me with a smile whenever I sang. I’m not sure if she liked my singing or not, but it seemed to make her happy, and she fist bumped me once again after the song ended. After circle time, we had to clean up and leave. I couldn’t believe that the time had gone by so fast and I already had to say goodbye to Kristine and my new friends. FCSN is trying to combat special education problems, and they are doing a pretty good ob with it. Towards the end, Kristine, a teacher, and I worked with flashcards, and she had progressed so much in just 10 minutes. This reminds me of something I read in an article about schools for special needs children, The goal should be giving special-needs children opportunity at school, so they can be as successful as possible (Chiapelas A.11). I feel like this place is trying to give these students the opportunity that they

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