Personal Narrative: The Arrow

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The Arrow and The Bullet In the beginning of last year, I discovered that endless thoughts race through my mind without my control which caused me to be nervous all the time. On top of these unnecessary flashbacks, I basically have responsibilities like school and work that I have to balance. I can’t afford to lose focus. Every minute counts. I needed to do something. I needed a distraction, so I did my fair amount of research. I engaged in activities that would somehow ease my spirit, food for the soul: baking, cooking, reading, meditation, yoga, pilates, online shopping, movie binging, running, concerts. You name it. I like running the most because it blocks me out from reality. It’s like reading a book or when the lights go down at the stadium, the intro music starts to play and the stage lights up. …show more content…

They moved to Boston due to Elizabeth’s condition. She tells me how she is worried that she’ll end up like her mother because the illness is hereditary and that she is going through so many trials adding up to her anxiety and I tell her how nervous I am with my first job interview. Her voice shakes as she yells through the wire “I told her many times that she qualifies for free health care and she won’t even go to at least one session! This is the third episode in two years and I’m tired!” I tell her not to lose hope. “ Her boat sank, don’t let yours sink too” It’s getting late and we both say our goodbyes. I take a deep breath as I stare at the piece of paper in front of me. Written in cursive form is the contact information of the person I needed to call to confirm my appointment.I hoped that she won’t pick up so it’ll lead to voice mail. I’ve never done a voice mail before. Please don’t pick up. Please don’t pick up. She doesn’t. Here goes nothing. I got lucky. After the most nerve-racking fifteen seconds of my life, I hang up and read a dozen articles about constructing basic voice mails. Baby

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