Extreme Anxiety Analysis

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For a little over a decade now, I’ve dealt with extreme anxiety issues affecting my day to day life. Over the course of the past few years I’ve come off of anxiety and depression prescription drugs because I’ve felt there are other courses of action which or more beneficial with less side effects than the ones the pharmaceutical industry tries to convince us we need. Recently, especially this current semester, I’ve most struggled with time management. Thankfully coming off medications has allowed me to become more social and happier all around, but consequently having a social life and with a part time job I’m fully committed to, I’ve once again started to let school somewhat slip to the sides. When it comes to my academic life this semester …show more content…

For this semester I will go to CASA at least twice a week, or even better, when possible, attend every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after my Statistics class and before HDFS 1311. Monday and Wednesdays will be primarily for going over homework assignments which are usually due Wednesday nights. Friday’s will come in handy for going over quizzes and preparing for an exam, when needed, since quizzes are due Saturday nights and I usually try to schedule my exams for Tuesdays. Complications with deciding to, without fail, stick to this schedule usually come from lack of sleep. On a typical day I leave for school at 7 AM and am home at the end of the night around 8:30. With not much free time throughout the day to spare I’m usually exhausted by the end of the day and have just enough energy to take care of things around the house, finish up any immediate assignments, shower and then hit my bed. Choosing to go to tutoring three times a week will allow me to give myself a break at the end of the day and instead get those extra assignments done during the time of day where my brain is actually awake and capable of focusing, along with the tutors providing help with difficult problems. This change of productivity will be such a relief on my anxiety because when I get …show more content…

For as long as I can remember I’ve always spent most of my time in my head. I used the term “cycling” growing up to describe my illogical and defeating ways of thinking. Something about my brain, in comparison to others I’m close to, just make it work what seems to be a million times faster than the person next to me. Typically I can think about a problem, think of every terrible outcome that could arise from it, and about a million different ways it could go, all before someone else has really even concluded they have a problem. This way of thinking is the breeding ground for anxiety. Anxiety roots down in your pathways of thinking and will totally consume you if you don’t have the willpower to step down from your thoughts. This semester I will follow through with the strategies I’ve learned over the summer from weekly yoga classes and the online research I’ve found to counteract anxiety and depression. I will take moments whenever needed to step back take a deep breath and stretch as long and hard as I need to, to breathe loudly and unapologetically whenever my mind starts to run away with itself. I will practice making more eye contact with people and having conversations with others instead of living life trapped in my head. Speaking to others, especially at school, gives the true

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