Personal Narrative: Running Away

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Everyone changes into a different person throughout the course of their lifetime, without ever leaving any traces they did so, except for the people around them who influenced them the most. Over the course of my 17 years, my siblings have morphed and shaped me into the person I am today. As young as I was, my maternal instincts had already kicked in and mini-mom was my middle name and shape, as I was an exact copy of my mother. I don’t remember when it started, as I was only three years old when it happened, but this is how my grandmother always tells it. My mother brought my brother and I to sleep over our grandmother’s house for the weekend. When the day was over, my mother and grandmother went straight to bed and slept. At around 1 in the morning, my grandmother woke up and found my brother and I still awake. She inquired behind the reasoning of this, and through tired eyes, in
She was an idle bystander as I completed everything I deemed her duties, and tried to relieve myself of her duties. Fortunately, soon after, I experienced a minor epiphany though enlightening. I realized I shouldn't feel repugnant towards the phrase “mini-mom,” but instead, feel revered. My mother worked late, so she can provide for us and if she needed my help I should give it to her. So, when their father is out-of-town, mother is at work, grandmother’s cooking, my younger sisters have me.
Previously, babysitting my siblings was an insurmountable task, as I felt overwhelmed being in charge of another person's life. Yet, present-day, I feel as though I can handle and juggle them all. For instance, I was cradling Lily to sleep in my left arm, as I was typing this essay in my right, and can tell you from the kitchen, who’s creeping in the shadows of the living room late at night without ever turning around. I don’t consider myself a mother exactly, but I do affirm one phase of my changeover into adulthood was the day Lily called me

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