Personal Narrative: A Sense Of Isolation

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As a child, have you ever felt a sense of isolation or alienation? At some point in our lives, we may feel as though we don't belong or that we are alone. There has been a time at one point or another where everyone has felt this way. This sense of isolation can lead to constant fear for one's own safety as well as feeling unwanted. As a child, I would soon know the feeling of alienation, and the potential danger that it would bring. At the age of nine, my family decided to relocate to Chattanooga, Tennessee. My father had found a better job opportunity, and he needed to move to his new job location as soon as possible. This is a big change for such a small child. Your surroundings have changed, and all your beloved friends and family are …show more content…

The drive was long, but after some time we arrived at our new home, an apartment complex on the outskirts of the city. Our arrival and subsequent move-in was met with strange looks and whispers. It's not quite a feeling of hostility, yet my family felt slightly unwelcome. The following day, mom had two plans. The first plan was to finish her transfer to a new workplace, and the second was for my placement at a local school. The next day had arrived, and she left me at home with father. Hours later she had finished working out the details of her job and she had finally managed to place me in a school, Wolf-Ever elementary and high school. Classes for the children were to begin that Monday. The following Monday my mother taken me to the bus stop to be sent to the school. Once I boarded the bus, I immediately felt uncomfortable as I had clearly drawn attention from the group. The trip became longer that I expected because tensions had become higher as even more eyes had be drawn to where I was sitting and with every second my heart began to race faster until we reached our destination and I left the bus to go to school and there I stood at Wolf-ever Creek elementary

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