Personal Narrative: Playing Basketball

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Basketball is the best sport to start off with when you’re young. I started playing basketball when I was 7 years old. I will never give up my basketball dream. I think basketball is better than baseball, football, and soccer .My whole family is basketball fans. My uncle played college basketball when he was younger.

When I was nine I got a basketball hoop for Christmas. I wasn’t very good at basketball at that time. I still played every day on that basketball hoop during winter break. My cousin and I always played basketball at the park. Around February I stopped playing basketball sometimes I would only play once a week. My basketball hoop fell over in March and I didn’t play till May. On June 12 my favorite basketball team won the 2017 …show more content…

I don’t really like basketball that much, but I usually watch the NBA. My favorite team has been in the finals the past 3 years. I want to play basketball when I get older. I like playing really early in the morning. I like playing in the morning because nobody is at the parks. To me Basketball is definitely better than any other sport. My least favorite sport is probably baseball. I would probably be the shortest player on the team if I did play basketball when I’m older. I really want to wake up every morning play basketball and not have to go to school every day. That would be awesome. There are so many great players that have played in the NBA like Michael Jordan, Larry bird, Scotty Pippen and so many more. I know me going into the NBA is most likely not going to happen but if I play basketball in college I will try as hard as possible to get in the NBA. But I’m not doing too well in college bask
My uncle was 6’3 if I’m at least 6’1 I will be so happy. My uncle was barely 5’3 in senior year so maybe that will happen to me. Both of my parents are pretty short my mom is shorter than me right now and my dad is 5’9. The shortest NBA player is Muggy boas and he was 5’3 that’s pretty short. If I don’t do well in basketball I will probably make really fast

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