Personal Narrative: Myers-Briggs Personality

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Who am I? A Logician? An Architect? An Entertainer, maybe? Quite surprisingly, this personality type describes me to the letter, literally. According to the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, I am a Debater or an ENTP. Initially, I was so suspicious of the accuracy of the test that not only did I review all of the other personality types, I took the test twice. Nonetheless, I received the same result each of the three times I took the test, and, I must say, I do agree with them. Knowledgeability, a most prominent trait amongst ENTPs, including myself. Indeed, since early childhood, I have always had a thirst for knowledge, and learning has always been my “thing,” so to speak. By the age of two, I was reading books meant for kids twice or even …show more content…

Unfortunately, this part of my personality has earned me many quarrels, misunderstandings, and other types of conflicts throughout my life so far. Like my knowledgeability, showing empathy has always been a problem of mine, as. for reasons unbeknownst to me, that aspect of my personality was never developed terribly far. A few years ago, my sister’s hamster died.She was little, but she didn’t feed it properly or give it enough water. Instead of comforting her, which someone more empathetic would have done, I explained to her why it died and what she did wrong because, in my eyes, it was only logical that her hamster died. She didn’t take the steps necessary to keep it alive. I have handled situations in this way time and time again. More recently, my sister decided to homeschool herself as opposed to public school. Initially, thought she made that decision just to try it, or for other practical reasons, such as access to our parents and the opportunity to sleep in. However, the real reason was that she was being bullied by some kids at her school and she did not feel comfortable in that environment. Yet again, her predicament made no sense to me, even though I too had trouble with bullying several years ago. One day, I realized it was pointless to worry about other people’s opinions of me, especially if the opinions were negative and I wasn’t acquainted with them in any way. Unlike me, my sister never came to this conclusion, and even though she obviously bothered by the subject, which I later realized, I kept trying to explain to her how she was “acting illogically” and “without any sense.” Sadly, as aforementioned, those are only 2 of a copious collection of events in which I have acted insensitively. In conclusion, the Myers-Briggs personality test describes me as a Debater, a smart, yet insensitive individual, and I couldn’t agree more. Time and time again,

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