Personal Narrative: My Work Experience At Point Grey Veterinary Hospital

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During the duration of working at Point Grey Veterinary Hospital, I had acquired many new skills, while improving older ones, and faced a couple of challenges, which in turn, had helped give me a new, more accurate impression of what it is like being a veterinarian. Also, I was surprised to learn that there were numerous things I had learned in school that related to this job, but there are still many more years of education and training required for being a veterinarian. However, my expectations before I had begun my work experience were quite different and while a majority were met, a couple were not. Before I had begun my work experience, I had quite a few expectations on how a veterinary hospital would run. I had originally thought that veterinarians do not do a lot of interacting with owners. However, after I had completed my work experience I realized that veterinarians do a fair amount of interacting with people as they have to discuss and explain to owners about their pets well being during a health exam. Also, I expected that there would many blood samples being drawn, which did end up being true …show more content…

Before I had started my work experience, I was quite worried I might pass out while viewing the surgeries or that I will not be able to stand watching blood work being done, but surprisingly, I learned I was a not really affected by the surgeries or blood work, although on the first day I got a bit queasy watching the blood work. Throughout the week, I had noticed I had increasingly gotten better and better and by the end of the week I was able to view everything without feeling dizzy. Also, I have learned that I am quite a quick learner and was able to quickly get into the routine at the hospital, as well as, adapt to changes that were often occurring and take on new tasks. I was genuinely surprised that I had learned quite a bit about myself through this

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