Personal Narrative-My Journey Of Playing Volleyball

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My Volleyball Journey When I was a young child, I used to go watch my dad play volleyball with his friends. I was only 5 or 6 years-old. I used to be the only girl there and had to wake up early, like at 6 in the morning, but I had a lot of fun watching him. Arriving at the volleyball courts early in the morning felt like biting into a perfect apple. I used to get bored sometimes as I had no friends to play with, but I used to endure the boredom as I got to watch my dad play the sport. I loved playing volleyball because it seemed different than what I watched on TV all the time such as football, basketball, baseball, and even cricket because I grew up in an Indian household. Even in these sports, I would usually see men compete, never women. …show more content…

Tryouts are torturous for me because I get nervous while doing anything in front of others. For instance, I would do great at the practices before and when I practiced at home, but as soon as I got to tryouts I wouldn’t be able to do anything. This is exactly what happened at freshman year volleyball tryouts. I couldn’t serve a single time. The fact that I wasn’t able to serve as soon as tryouts started and that I couldn't do anything about it made me incredibly angry. As a result, I made JV and then cried my eyes out. I wanted to quit. I didn't want to play anymore at all. I was annoyed at how every year, I would try so hard and wouldn’t be able to achieve my goal. Moreover, one of my friends, all she would do before tryouts was to say which team she wanted to get on, and it would happen. No matter how much it seemed impossible, she always got on the best team. At this point, I was really tempted to drop out of the team. I was done trying so hard and not being able to achieve my goals. I wanted to quit the sport, but then my dream of becoming a college volleyball player kept coming back to me. I finally decided I was going to keep playing and work even

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