Personal Narrative: My Interview With A College Athlete

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The first interview I held was with my nine year old brother, Dallas Fox. The first question I asked him was why he loved sports so much. He replied with “because daddy loved sports”. Growing up Dallas and our dad bonded over sports. Our dad was six feet, nine inches tall and weighed about four hundred pounds. He was always playing some kind of sport growing up, mostly known for playing semi-pro football with the opportunity to play for the North Carolina Panthers. Dallas wants to grow up and be just like his dad. He wants to play in the NFL or be a coach in the NFL. Currently he is in the fourth grade at Happy Valley Elementary School. In gym class they do “stupid stretches” and run three laps around the gym. After warm up, they vote on what they want to do for the rest of the class. The options are usually dodge ball, kick ball, …show more content…

Growing up he was homeschooled and did not have a PE class. When he was around the age of ten he started playing football for the local optimist club. He said this helped him learn how to interact with other children his age, learn team work skills, and how to work for the greater good. In the beginning he enjoyed playing with the other kids, but soon regretted it. He was a very small child that did not run very fast. Therefore, most of the time he was getting tackled by some kid twice his size. When the season was finally over he decided that he did not want play anymore. Jesse also remembered bonding with his grandfather by playing catch in the backyard when he was about the age of a middle schooler. He said this brought them a lot closer, and he was able to learn a lot about his grandfather and his love for baseball. Other than this mild activity, Jesse was not very active. Most of the time he spent inside playing his guitar or the drums. This becoming a consistent pattern, Jesse began to become slightly overweight. This continued until

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