Personal Narrative: My First Kiss

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For the written communication reflection, I decide to do my sophomore year personal narrative from World Literature class. The sophomore year personal narrative was a paper written to explain a memory from our past with rhetorical devices. This assignment was assigned in World Literature class because the teacher wanted to prepare us for our junior research paper and this paper was written about one or two years ago. The reason I wanted to reflect on this paper was because of its original idea, style, and the way felt writing this paper. The paper was assigned to use a past memory which makes it an original idea. I use this idea to make a creative essay call My First Kiss. The idea of My First Kiss was to describe a moment in my life as a child and how I got my first kiss. I give my best effort to recreate the idea as much as possible so that the reader can feel what I felt and thought as I told the memory. Recreating this memory was hard but felt proud the why I did it and the paper was graded properly how it should have been. The idea of writing it was original which I use this paper to start brings my own ideas in my future life. Having a …show more content…

To have a connection when writing is important because you express more in deep feeling while writing. I had this connection when writing this paper. Having the connection made my paper let it have more depth in my writing in my paper which was the solution that I wanted to have. The way I felt writing it was essential because why writing a memory when not having a connection is like writing a paper for no reason. I had a reason to write this paper which made me happy compared to other works or essays. Ther has a been connection when writing because the reader will know the difference when reading a paper with the connection. A boss or a professor will know the effort into the paper and it is something that I need to know in my future

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