Personal Narrative: My Experience In Trinidad

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It was June 18th, 2007 in Trinidad, CA. It was John, Matt, and I on a journey. We were walking through the woods of the Dry Lagoon State Park on the hunt for “The Thing.” We have been researching this thing for a couple years now and we think that we have narrowed it down to where it could be. It was a nice warm day, and the sun was shining through the branches of the tall trees. The birds were chirping, and I could hear the deer snapping the dead branches that lie on the ground. “Did you hear that?” said Matt. “Yeah, what was it?” I responded, pointing to the area the noise came from, “I think it came from over there.” Matt, John, and I slowly approached the spot where the noise was heard. Suddenly John screamed, “Watch out!” then right as I looked over, there was a huge creature, with dark hair and was at least 7 feet tall.
1 week earlier “Matt, can you come over here?” I said abruptly, “I think I found something.” I had my computer screen projected up on the wall. “There have been 12 sightings of this “thing” over in Trinidad, California.” Matt marked it up on the map that we have been pinning locations of sightings.
John then said “Guys, we have more sightings in California than the rest of the country!” I interrupted him, then “So…..?” Suddenly a thought popped in my head. “Matt doesn’t your cousin have a cabin near there?” …show more content…

After being bored for a few days, and it was our last day out here we decided to head to the park one last time. When we got there we didn’t see many cars, but it said the park was open. “Are you sure we want to do this after what happened?” John said nervously. Matt responded demandingly “We got to, we are going to be rich!” We were all nervous walking into the park knowing that there was a murder here. We were going through the woods, listening to the birds chirping, and the deer running…...and then it happened. I was the only one who made it out of the park that

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