Ghost Are a Hoax

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I’m just going to come right out and say it, because it’s true, and voicing it might help. It’s a creepy sort of night. The super dark, wind blowing, kind of creepy that gets the imagination running out of control. Which, since I’m being honest, doesn’t always take that much. As in, right now. I’m getting seriously spooked very quickly here. You know that feeling, the one that you’re being watched even though there’s no one else around? The feeling that gives you goose bumps on your arms, and raises the hair on your neck; that’s the feeling I have right now. I could almost swear that I heard soft footsteps making a crackling sound on the grass too. I stop, listening hard (as opposed to any other type of listening, I suppose) to try and figure out if I am really alone. It was a stupid dare really; wandering alone in the graveyard to prove….what exactly? I don’t remember now, because my overactive brain is nearing the hysterical point and I’m ready to bolt. So what happened next, you ask? I screamed like a school girl and ran, sure that I had seen a shadow move right in front of me. Now that I’m in the safety of my car and driving away, I can reasonably say that I must have imagined it. However, imagined or not, I won’t be doing that again!
Some people firmly believe that ghosts are real. Whether it is born of superstition, religion, or an overactive imagination, there is a growing population joining the ranks of confirmed believers. The imagination can get out of control fairly quickly when certain emotions and the proper atmosphere factor in. However, there is simply no evidence available to factually confirm the existence of ghosts. There is real evidence that will help you look at the issue realistically and scientifically, an...

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...y would possibly discredit had they looked at the issue with logic and reason. My suggestion would be to question everything, and then make educated deductions of your own. Don’t blindly believe someone who claims to be scientific, but instead come to your own conclusions based on real evidence, and not fabrications. Ghosts and hauntings are simply a romantic notion.

Works Cited

Norman Wilner Special to the, Star. "The great ghost hoax." Toronto Star (Canada) n.d.: Newspaper
Source. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
"Paranormal." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Radford, Ben. "Ghost-Hunting Mistakes: Science and Pseudoscience in Ghost Investigations."
CSI. Skeptical Inquirer, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. November/December 2010
Radford, Benjamin. "Are Ghosts Real? Science Says No-o-o-o." LiveScience. TechMedia Network,
29 Jan. 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

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