Friday The 13th Analysis

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1 It was a cold March night in 1980 in China. There was only Tyler Day, TJ Paul, 2 and Lauren Day at the movie. It was late at night, when Tyler, TJ, and, Lauren were 3 leaving from the movies. They decided to play hide n seek after watching the movie 4 Friday The 13th. The three of them split up, and they all had night vision goggles so 5 they didn't hit any trees. Lauren volunteered as tribute to be it, but that was kinda 6 weird because she is never it first in any game they played with people. 7 The three started and Lauren was back counting. Tyler and TJ were running 8 off into the woods laughing for no reason. When they stopped, Lauren was on the 9 move to find them. Lauren was working at a good pace trying …show more content…

When Tyler 17 and TJ were running in the woods, they were trying not to hit anything weird like 18 snakes in the trees. When Tyler and TJ got to Lauren, there was someone chasing 19 her in the distance. So the three decided to go towards it. When the three got closer 20 they could make out what it was and it was a human figure. The figure got right up 21 to them and then they knew they were in trouble. It was Jason from Friday The 13th. 22 Tyler and TJ were smart they ran when they recognized him. Lauren stood there in 23 complete shock and shaking, but she wasn’t shaking much longer that’s because 24 Jason rose his chainsaw and cut her head right off. Now, he was off to find Tyler and 25 TJ, but little did he know Tyler and TJ saw the whole murder. They stood behind him 26 as he rose his headless body to look in the distance to find the two. Tyler and TJ 27 tackled Jason down to the ground punching and kicking Jason until he was knocked 28 out. The two boys tried to find help and were able to locate two chinese police 29 officer. When they got back to where they knocked out Jason, he was not there. The 30 four were looking around and all of sudden they heard a branch break. They got 31 scared and were freaking out. Then they heard a chainsaw start up. They knew 32 they were going to die now because no one could see where he was at and they 33 heard more branches

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