Personal Narrative: My Brain, Interrupted

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While trying to think about a time being distracted has affected me, I realized that while writing this essay my phone was constantly catching my attention. I purposely isolated myself in my basement apartment away from sister and her kids to have complete focus on the task at hand. I really want to deliver a well thought out essay, but my phone keeps ringing and I become more distracted.

Being in a new state and away from home my friends are constantly trying to keep in touch. Whether it's text, email, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram whatever the case may be, my phone is constantly ringing. I only have twelve hours to complete this essay and having to stop my thought process and focus on replying to whomever writes is eating away at my precious …show more content…

I'll automatically stop what I'm doing to reach directly for my phone to see who it is and what they have to say. I am spending more time than I should be on the phone. I've caught myself scrolling through Facebook checking on my friend's newborn baby or watching Snapchat stories to see what kind of shenanigans my friends are getting into today. Then before I know it I've just wasted thirty minutes to an hour of time.

As part of this assignment I had to summarize the article Brain, Interrupted. This article discussed how technology can be a distraction, but through research it was concluded that you can train your brain to expect the distraction, even when you don’t know when it is coming. I agree with the part of technology causing distractions and I have yet to trained my brain to expect these distractions.

Therefore, shutting my phone off is the only reasonable conclusion one might have. I've also thought of turning the phone off as well, but I am currently unemployed and really can't afford to miss a potential interview. Another solution could be turning the phone on silent which I have already done, but it still lights up like a Christmas tree whenever a new message is

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