Mitigating Procrastination for Enhanced Academic Studies

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A lot of the weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis could have a grave impact on academic studies. However, to try to change all of them whilst conducting academic studies may be too onerous, therefore the sensible approach would be to identify the three that would have the most effect on this programme’s studies and try to reduce this impact or mitigate it in its entirety. The three factors chosen based on importance are:

Procrastination can manifest from a host of factors but DeArmond et al (2014) suggest a key cause is attributed to workload. The more workload a student has the more likely they are to put off starting other tasks, in WBDL this threat has a high likelihood of coming to fruition because most students …show more content…

This would address the vulnerability of a poor study schedule combined with the threat of an increased workload and therefore mitigate both risk likelihood and impact of my tendency to …show more content…

However, my threats still cause a concern, because even though I am aware of them it does not mean I can stop them coming to fruition and impacting my studies. All I can do is remain agile and reschedule my program if they do have a profound effect outside of my pre-planned variance as suggested by Talbot (2010).
Out of everything I just discovered I think removing my mobile phone from close proximity during academic studies will have the most significant impact on my productivity. I often pick it up when I have a natural pause in my work, it is almost an impulsive reaction when I hit a stumbling block as if my phone will give me all the answers I need, the irony is I do not even search for the answers but I check my social media. I will also look to segregate myself from it during work to see if it has the same effect. As Cheng and Yan (2016) suggest the first step to prevent the mobile phone from distracting our learning is self-awareness.
In the past I always viewed tools such as SWOT as having a negative impact on my work because it would take a lot of time to populate for it to add any value. However, I now realise the benefits that a tool like SWOT can give you and not just in academic studies. Therefore I will add it where appropriate as a planning consideration in my normal work activities as

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