Personal Narrative-I M Sasha Lynnette Smith

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I’m Sasha Lynnette Smith I was born November 3, 1997 in Magnolia Arkansas at Magnolia Hospital. I don’t recall ever living in Arkansas but I visited every school break in till I got old enough to make my own decisions. My parents Christa McCray and Bobby Smith Sr. had me in their late thirty’s. A year later my parent decided to move to Dallas Texas with my older siblings Randall, Cristopher, and Alexis (Which were older than me by 10 and 12 years). When I was three my little brother Bobby Jr. was born. I start school at birdie alexander elementary school in kindergarten I meet my best friends Jessica and Nydia I lived in South Wins apartments till I was in third grade my parents separated and we moved in a nice house and my dad went back to Arkansas. My second elementary school was Umphrey Lee Elementary School. Umphrey Lee was in the middle of my neighborhood. Jessica transferred with me to the new school while Nydia moved to Austin Texas. Elementary was good time in life when everything was easy. My mom started dating again and her boyfriend Karl Cofield who was her high school sweetheart would visit us a lot. In fifth grade, he moved in with my mom, little brother, and I. We had no problem …show more content…

My middle school years I attend D.A. Hulcy middle. In middle school, I became a problem child. Everyone knows kids can be cruel so one girl would pick on me about my voice every day. One day I got so mad and fought her it was like she woke a sleeping giant after that day I stayed fighting. Then started skipping class which turned into skipping school. Then I got in my first relationship in eighth grade and he stayed on me about school and fighting. He helped me change my attitude about a lot of things and still to this day in grateful for him. We broke up before high school because we were going to different school in different areas. I decided D.W. Carter High

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