Personal Narrative: Help The Homeless

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Can you think about the last time you had a meal? Was it half an hour ago? Maybe an hour? Two? Eating your three meals a day doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but that’s because you grew up without worrying about whether or not you’ll live to see the next day, much less when’s your next meal. These people live with struggles you couldn't even imagine because they are the basics of human life. To think that some people live without a shelter to protect them or food to energize them is appalling. As human beings, we should take care of our own. We shouldn't allow for our brothers and sisters to die of starvation while we turn a blind eye and continue living without a care. That's why I would start a nonprofit foundation to help the homeless, had I been in charge. I would help give them food and clothes, as well as other basic necessities for life. The last time the United Nations tried to account for the homeless people was back in 2005. Getting an accurate estimate is a nearly impossible task, due to the many ‘hidden homeless’. Places like slums, abandoned buildings, …show more content…

One shouldn't have to persuade another to help out another human; why would you give up on your own kind? We shouldn't turn a blind eye on the fact that people die of starvation every single day, while we fill our stomachs with unnecessary fares. This is truly sickening, the fact that while billions of people live in luxury, we have millions living in poverty. While some worry about what they should wear to a party, others worry about whether they’ll see the light of day tomorrow. We should be the shoulder they lean on during this tough time. We should be there for our own kind when they need some support. This is why we should donate to them. Some food, couple articles of clothing, and a blanket or two could go a long way for a person living on the streets. This is the reason why we should help the

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