Personal Narrative: From A Child To Web Developer

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From A Child to Web Developer When I was little I was a very imaginative ball of energy. I was always claiming to be a Power Ranger or a ninja. I would run around kicking stuff and rolling around “fighting” bad guys. As I grew older, I was very interested in golf (which I still am). My grandparents use to call me a “Mini Tiger Woods”. I was a little guy swinging clubs like a champ. I was even in the Toyota Tournament one year with my dad and his friends. I played awful that day! In my teen years, I loved football and I was determined to be the best football player I could be. So I practiced on and off the field things like passing, catching, kicking and other football related tactics. However, that plan hit a brick wall real quick, as I went into high school …show more content…

To this day I still wish I could play football. On a positive note, I found out in my senior year of high school that computers and graphic design sparked my interest. I dabbled in Photoshop. I started off by just editing pictures and doing other little projects. This highly benefited me since I would be going in a related major going into college. When I graduated, I waited a year to go to college because I had to save up money to pay for tuition. So after a year of working at Chick-fil-A, I finally had enough money to put myself through college. I am currently majoring in Web Development. It has been a stressful, but an amazing experience. I have one more semester left and I’ll be able to start my career. I’m ready to begin my future, making money, and do what I love. The web development field is a booming career with

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