Personal Narrative Essay: My Personal Experience In The Military

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I was enlisted in the army on 23 June 1999 as an Infantry rifleman in 4th Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment. Initially I hated the army and signing on in the army never cross my mind. I hated the army for many reasons. The regimentation, waking up very early in the morning everyday, no freedom and sometimes even been punished by the Sergeant for no apparent reason. I only decided to take up Army as a career after I ORD in 2001 when I actually miss being a soldier. The army life is so full of adventure, toughness and camaraderie. I decided to sign on as an Army Developmental Force (ADF) trooper as I heard many good things about them. They specialize in peace support operations, trying out new equipment for the army, overseas missions and real operations etc. The best moment of my army life was I got to do peacekeeping operation in East Timor in 2003 for 7 months as Company task force 2. The training before we go up to East Timor was not easy. It involves a period of preparation, consolidation of training and cohesion building, of about 3 months. …show more content…

Along the way when we drove past, we will see many of the villagers waving and smiling warmly at us. We simply felt so welcomed. The country itself is beautiful and amazing. The villages, especially the children, were extremely friendly. It's amazing how a country had recovered and transformed from its war-torn past. The people suffered some of the worst atrocities with mass killing, looting, arson and rape took

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