Personal Narrative Essay: Fighting The War At Home

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Title: Fighting the War at Home Thesis: The war overseas, but there are millions of veterans still fighting the war at home. Personal Story: Even though I’ve been home from the war for over a year, I still feel like I am in full combat, fighting a war, here in my own home. Try as I may, it’s not something that is explainable and even if it was explainable, no one would understand unless they saw and experienced what I did. My mind plays tricks on me. One minute I feel sane and another minute I feel like the rug was pulled out from under me and I can’t find my footing. Is my enemy myself? Is what I am experiencing fixable? I have only heard the horror stories of those experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, am I really one of those horror stories? Why am I still running and from whom? It’s a war of shadows, one that no one seems to really understand. A war of anger and anxiety fought in my mind. Just like in the wars I fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, I don’t know who the enemy is. Now that I am home, I am surrounded by family and friends. I have a wife and children. I see them, and hear them. They are right here in my life, just as I wished every single day while at war, but now even though I see them and hear them, I …show more content…

Symptoms of PTSD that veterans experience are irritability or outbursts of anger, sleep disturbance, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and emotional distress when reminded of the trauma. Margaret’s article explains these symptoms of PTSD and how exposed veterans are to this. “Combat veterans typically report symptoms in all these areas. In addition, the effects of combat-related PTSD appear to be long lasting” (2). The health of veterans is clearly an issue, but when making the choice to be in the service you risk countless amounts of things in order to fight for the country you

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